
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Benefits from Bankruptcy Law Fort Lauderdale

There are a number of benefits from Bankruptcy law FortLauderdale and you should be familiar with these before you go on filing for bankruptcy. The 2 most common advantages are discharge of debt and automatic stay.

Discharge of debt will release a debtor from its personal liabilities from a particular type of debt. With this advantage, he is no longer obliged to pay any debt that is discharged. This is a permanent order to prohibit the creditors to take any kind of collections on discharged debts that includes legal actions and communication with the debtor like letters and emails as protected by the Bankruptcy law Fort Lauderdale.

Automatic on the other hand is a kind of rule that disallows any creditor from doing anything all to coerce a claim against a debtor during the bankruptcy case. In case of real estate leases, the landlord who is looking forward to evict tenants has the freedom to complete evictions if the landlord has a judgement of ownership or if there is a use of prohibited materials on the leased premises. To learn more on the benefits, research about the Bankruptcy law Fort Lauderdale.

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